Our conscious mind is only 5% of our brain power. Beneath the surface, lies something far bigger and more powerful, our subconscious mind.
Our subconscious mind is 95% of our brain power and it is here where our emotions, fears and childhood programming live and because the subconscious mind is so powerful, it will over rule our conscious (logical thinking) mind every time it believes it needs to, even if it is not actually in our best interests, even if it is self sabotaging us and causing us more harm than good.
So it is very important that we understand what negative beliefs, thoughts and emotions are stored in our subconscious mind, because they are ultimately controlling how we feel about ourselves, and impacting the decisions and choices we make.
Through the power of RTT Hypnotherapy we can have a window of opportunity to learn to understand what is stored in our subconscious mind, change anything that needs changing, and then instal new more beneficial, empowering thoughts and beliefs, so our subconscious mind won't need to react, allowing us to take back control of our lives, bringing about permanent, lasting, beneficial, transformative change.
#powerofthesubconsciousmind #beliefreprogamming #rtthypnotherapy #rewirenegativethoughts #subconsicousmind #rapidtransformationaltherapy #rtt #rewireneuralpathways
